Buddhist Boot Camp is a book written by Timber Hawkeye which I recently became aware of and purchased. I first became interested in Buddhism over 20 years ago. Many people believe it is a religion and actually it is not but rather a way to enjoy a fulfilling life. I have read a multitude of books, listened to CDs, viewed countless DVDs, and attended several seminars including seeing the Dali Llama but have yet to integrate Buddhism as significant part of my life.

Several years ago Wayne Dyer, who I have written about before, wrote a book called Living the Wisdom of the TAO. There are 81 verses to the TAO and Dyer spent a year contemplating each one and then writing a short personal interpretation. Not pretending to be Wayne Dyer but over the next year I will try to implement (live) each of the 64 concepts Mr. Hawkeye has exposed.  While doing this I will share my thoughts and how both I and people around me react.  I hope other people might also purchase the little book and partake in the adventure.

My plan is to spend a week on each one (yes more than a year) which might require more discipline than I’m known for.  Let us begin !  Lastly, I thank Timber Hawkeye for this wonderful little book.


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