
img08034-217x300D. Jeffrey “Bear” Hartling

Hartling Law LLC

Noblesville, Indiana

(317) 776-4731

   Jeff Hartling “Bear” is a sole practitioner engaged in general litigation with an emphasis on Bankruptcy, Criminal Defense, and emerging small business issues.

It has been said that Jeff is still trying to decide what he wants to do when he grows up which is hard to dispute.  He attended Ball State University with a military interruption due to a lack of focus graduating in 1970 with BS in Business and Minor in History.  With a great deal of luck and good timing he got into the computer world working for several major companies as a Sales Representative.  At this time computers where considered magic and thanks to the mystique he was able to pass himself off as capable and knowledgeable.   Sadly today he seeks help from third graders regarding day-to-day computer issues.  It was obvious that Jeff made a questionable employee and thus founded Calyx Inc., which became the vehicle to buy and start new companies in a wide variety of areas.  To name but a few, a Linen Supply Company, Humpty Dumpty Diaper Service, Manufacturer of Computer Media, Dry Cleaner, Process Heating Representative, Distributor of Factory Automation, Importer of Musical Instruments, Integrator of Factory Automation, Builder of a Central Laundry for the Country of Bermuda, and of course Paper Boy & President of a Lemonade Stand.  Most of these and other ventures were successful in no small part because of the many people who joined Jeff in the “adventure”.

After a rather slow start in the world of Higher Education, Jeff went back to College in 1976.  He continued to take classes for the next thirty years picking up additional degrees in Accounting, Political Science, Music, and even a Law Degree from Indiana University /Indianapolis where he was told he was the oldest graduate in 2003 which he is still contesting.  Having divested himself of most business entities Jeff now is in private law practice and continues to contemplate the next adventure.

Jeff has involved himself in many outside activities over the years.  On several occasions he has been described as Do-Gooder which is inaccurate.   Jeff would point out, without exception, he always received more from these engagements than he ever gave.   He refers to himself as a “Bleeding Heart Conservative” meaning he enjoys partnering with organizations and people with the hope of reaching mutually beneficial goals.

Over approximately the last forty years Jeff has had the pleasure to be involved in various capacities with many special organizations.  While not inclusive the following does highlight some of these endeavors.

Marion County Mental Health – Suicide Prevention Crisis Line

Indianapolis/Indiana Jaycees – coordinator Correctional Institutional Chapters, Board of Directors

Indianapolis Big Brothers

Spotlight, Host of Public Service Radio Show – WIBC

This is Your City – Host of Public Service TV – WISH

CIRRI – Central Indiana Radio Reading

Good Friends – Tutoring of Students

Noteworthy – Musical Instruments and Instruction for Disadvantaged youth (Founder)

Work Release Program – Transition from Institutional life prior to Release

Kid’s Voice – GAL

Heartland Pro Bono

Christian Legal Service

Georgia Justice Project (Located in Atlanta Ga. )


“Everyday is an Adventure – Looking Forward to Tomorrow”