I was very lucky as I grew up in an environment where music was a constant companion. I took piano lessons at an early age (four) and hated every minute. Latter I moved on to the Saxophone and still play even taking lessons today. Paul Desmond was never insecure that I was around however as Marlon Brando once said "I
Several months ago on whim I purchased three yellow roses on the way to the office. Not sure where the inspiration came from but the plan was to present them to three strangers or acquaintances during the day. The first person was a lady at the Dry Cleaner that I always spoke to when dropping off or picking up my
I have been a follower of Wayne Dyer for many years. There are more than a few folks out there offering inspirational books, tapes, etc and Wayne Dyer, most would agree, is a member of the group. Dyer has written over 30 books and many (I have read a number) are very similar. However, Dyer has several attributes that makes him
Well here I am after 20 years skiing. First, I must confess I was never asked to join the US Olympic (likely an over sight) but in my heart I was a "contender". I'm told the new skis (actually far from new) make the adventure much easier and enjoyable. I'm also told one now wears a hemet when skiing (Tnx
Like many if not most 66 year old the men the body does not lend it self to Chic Magnet material. Not so much that we are talking embarrassing rather the 33" waist has crept up to 36", having run the Mini Marathon 20 times/ last year was impossible, stamina is marginal, and lets's say bodybuilder competition might be stretch.
There was a wonderful movie made several years ago that starred Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman called the “Bucket List”. What a great idea! Everyone and most importantly those over sixty need such a list. Such an endeavor is not be taken lightly. The goal should be one hundred (100) possibilities, however such a list will likely take at least
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